Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Awin tagged Saya!!

Huhu..jangan risau saya akn jawab kesemuanya..hehe..

2. Nickname : EICA,SHAH,ECA
3. Zodiac Sign :GEMINI
4. Male or Female : FEMALE.
6. Highschool : SKK SMKGB
8. Hair Colour : BLACK BROWNISHED =,=' *ade ke?*
9. Tall or Short : Tak pastilah..tapi mak saya kata saya tinggi..hihi
10. Sweat or Jeans : Jeans
11. Phone or Camera : Camera..
12. Health Freak : Tak paham..hihi
13. Orange or Apple : Apple!!..oren masam!!walupun ade yg manis..tetap tak ske
14. Do you have a crush on someone : err..ade kew??
15. Eat or Drink : kalo makan,kite perlu minum!!
16. Piercings : err...??..=,='
17. Pepsi or Coke : Teh mak saya lagi sedap dan brkhasiat..^^

Have you ever..

1 . Been in an airplane : nope
2 . Been in relantionship : NEVER.
3 . Been in car accident : never..
4 . Been a fist fight : lalalalala

First & Last

1. First household chores :kemas bilik tido
2. First best friend :Asyraf isa sebab sebelah uma..
3. First award : ratu cantik keluarga cik leha..(haha dalam mimpi)
4. First crush : bipp bipp
5. First word : tak penah amik tau..
6. First section : APAKAH INI??
7. Last person you talked to in person : MY MOM??
8. Last person you texted : AMY TACCIE
9. Last person you watched a movie with : YUNI!! sister ^^
10. Last food you ate : Snack..sambil nengok movie..
11. Last movie you watched : Vampire Knight and Rai Leh Sanai Rai..hihi
12. Last song you listen to : A Short Journey --> Super Junior
13. Last thing you bought : Netbook ke KFC
14. Last person you hugged : MY DONGIE..muahahaha

Favorite :

1. Food : Masakan mak saya yang terbaik!!
2. Drink : Teh~
3. Bottoms : Jeans hitam saya
4. Flower : lavender and Rose??
5. Animal : KUCING and Anak harimau..hihi
6. Colour : Merah Biru Hitam Putih..semua accept Pink yang sangat terang.. O_0
7. Movie : Comedy..and Romantic Comedy
8. Subject : Don't Let Yourself Regrets

(put an X in the bracket if yes )

1. [X] falling in love with someone.
2. [_] celebrate halloween.
3. [_] had your heart broken.
4. [_] went over the minutes / text on your cellphone.
5. [_] had someone question about my sexual orientation.
6. [_] got pregnant.
7. [_] had an a bortion.
8. [_] did something i regret.
9. [_] broke promise.
10. [_] hide a secret.
11. [_] pretend to be happy .
12. [X] meet someone who changed your life
13. [_] pretend to be sick.
14. [_] left the country.
15. [X] try something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
16. [_] cry over the silliest thing.
17. [_] ran a mile.
18. [X] when to the beach with your friend.
19. [_] got into an argument with your friend.
20. [_] hated someone.
21. [X] stay single for a whole year.

Currently .

1. Eating : Snack
2. Drinking : Tea
3. Listening to : A shor Journey again and again
4. Sitting or Laying : Sitting on the floor
5. Plan for today : Sleepimg..tak cukup tido la..
6. Waiting : End of holidays

Your future :

1. want kids ? : Sure!
2. want to get married : YES
3. career : DOCTOR~..Engineer

Which is more attractive (choose one ) :

1. lips or eyes : EYES
2. shorter or taller : Taller,tak tinggi sangat
3. romantic or spontaneous : Dedua suke
4. hook up or relationship : Blurrrrr~....
5. looks or personality : Personality 80%..hihi looks 20%

Have you ever..

1. lost glasses/contact : Tak ada pengalaman pown..
2. snuck out of a house : erk?..budak baiklah
3. held a gun / knife for self defense : Saya bukan Polis or Tentera..=,='
4. killed somebody : Bunuh Cicak pown tak berani..=,='
5. broken somebody heart : Manusia sering melakukan kesilapan..hehe :P
6. been in love : ye!!..My Donghae ah~..
7. cried when someone died : Nengok orang la..kalo tak kenal.takde prasaan..hihi

Do you believe in :

1. yourself : urm...yes kowt..
2. miracles : Percaya pada Takdir lagi bagos
3. love at first sight : Da banyak first sight da ni..haha
4. heaven : Subhanallah..!!..mestilah!!
5. santa claus: santa Claus atok saya..haha
6. superstition : haram!!
7. kiss on the first date : Kiss on the first day of my wedding jela..

Truthfully :

1. is there one person you want to be with right now ? :
Hoho..saya nak bersama dengan kawan2 saya!!..kalo dengan Donghae pown OK gak..hihi
2. do you know who your real friend are ? : of course!! belalangs
3. do you believe in god ? : Yes!!
4. post as 100 truths ? : huh!!..yela..

I want to tagged =
Ardilla Zulkipli,Nurul Afiqah,Iwan Ikhwan,Syazana Latif,Syafiqah Latif

alah~..sesape jela..hihi

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